It has helped a lot, and the special force of each superhero in the game has given a special atmosphere to the gameplay and prevents it from being repeated.

The gameplay part, like all games, is a different logo and there is no major difference, but what makes Lego Marvel’s Avengers gameplay special compared to other logo games, is that you have a lot of freedom in the game to make the gameplay attractive. They are present in the game and you can take control of each one and deal with the enemy. The story of the game is about two movies of the Marvel Avengers series, namely Avengers 2009 and Avengers of ultron, and the whole story of the game is narrated according to them. Lego Marvel’s Avengers is a lovely game in the style of Lego, an adventure and role-playing genre whose story is told in the Marvel world, and you play the role of popular Marvel characters such as Captain America, Iron Man and They are going to fight.