Anvil 7 days to die
Anvil 7 days to die

anvil 7 days to die

Set player made door stability support to false to prevent AI exploitable building.Can’t target, shoot or repair through Molotov Effects.

anvil 7 days to die

  • Optimized MinEvent ActionRemoveParticleEffectFromEntity.
  • Optimized MinEvents finding of tranforms.
  • Deleted old player StealthScreenOverlay and goggle eyed effects.
  • Replaced static NetPackage list with runtime dynamically assigned IDs for more flexibility.
  • Wandering horde 1 second delay between spawns.
  • Wandering horde zombies are not alert, so stealth attacks work on them.
  • Message on the client when they got disconnected because the server is shutting down.
  • anvil 7 days to die

    More feedback on clients on why they are not allowed to connect.Here is the Official forum Release Thread TFP wishes every single one of you Merry Christmas and a great start into 2021!

    Anvil 7 days to die